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Here are the prices for a head portrait:

24x32cm  £130
29.7 x 42cm (A3) £165
Add 40% for an additional pet

Gift Card

Gift Cards are available from £50 and will be valid for 12 months.
I will send a gift card up to the total amount purchased, each printed gift card will have it's own unique number.  Perfect if you would like to give a unique gift to someone special, they will then enjoy the process; choosing the right photo and receiving the emailed updates of the picture as it progresses, it will also take the worry away from you, not having a suitable photograph and not knowing how you can get that perfect photograph.


Payment is either by cheque, direct payment or PayPal
Cheques made payable J D Moran and sent to the address on the contact page
Direct payment- account information given on request
PayPal - Please add your name in the message box
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